News — r&d

Something Salty, Something Sweet

Just received this photo from one of our good friends, R. Miguel Meza of Rusty's Hawaiian Ka'u Coffee in Hawai'i. What you're looking at is a special prep coffee exclusively for Spro. Arabica Typica beans that are being naturally sun-dried and rubbed in Hawaiian Sea Salt. Over the next few weeks, our coffee will be processed with salt at various stages to enhance the flavors of the coffee.

They've done some testing of this process previously at Rusty's but this will be the first true production run of Salt Processing and we're going to see how it...

Charmery Coffee

David and Laura are opening an ice cream shop in The Avenue and we're helping them with their coffee ice cream!

I've always found ice cream to be a fascinating exploration. So many possibilities and those of you who have been visiting Spro over the years know we've done limited runs of different ice creams and paletas (Mexican style popsicles), but one of the challenges has always been to do a thoughtful coffee ice cream.

But what do I mean when I say "thoughtful"? Quality and locally-sourced ingredients are a must, and so too is a...