News — Colombia
Sugar Cane Decaf is Here!
Sugar Cane Decaf is also known as "Sugar Cane E.A." The "E.A." stands for Ethyl Acetate and many people want to use just the abbreviation because they fear that the public with think it's some sort of artificial chemical process. This is not the case.
Upcoming Charmery Releases
Just finished prepping the new ice creams for The Charmery that they'll release over the next week or so. As we've been moving into regular production with David and Laura, it's been a fun challenge to come up with something interesting every production cycle. Typically, we're preparing about nine gallons worth of ice cream but in order for the flavors to come out right, we're also prepping them days ahead of time. Add to that the calculation of roasting, degassing and allowing flavor maturation of the coffee itself and we're actually looking at about a two week lead time from...