The past two years have been quite interesting. Besides the pandemic, the biggest news of 2021 was our decision to close down the Hampden shop in July, and move all our operations to our Sproastery in Cockeysville.
It's always a bittersweet occasion to make such transitions, but it's been a good one that is allowing us to focus on other aspects of coffee. We're now able to spend a bit more of our time consulting for other coffee groups, as well as bringing better focus to our wholesale and online guests, not to mention continue with producing coffee videos for our YouTube channel.
As we move into 2022, you'll be noticing updates (finally!) to our website and some new arrival coffees that we're really excited about.
Some of you have asked about the Cafe du Spro, which is located at the Sproastery. The Cafe du Spro still remains. In fact, we paid up for our licensing to allow us to open whenever we can. Since the cafe only seats five, we decided that it would be best to close the cafe during the pandemic because we were unable to provide positive social distancing. Once things have settled down, it is our plan to re-open the Cafe du Spro and welcome all of you into our little coffee experience.
Lastly, Thank You Very Much for all of your support. It is greatly appreciated. We've had some hiccups with shipping and waiting for grinders to clear port in the United States. I'm told all of that is cleared up now and things will be operating smoothly. We pulled the grinders from our online catalog because we just couldn't be sure when they would ship. We'll be bringing them back soon.